SUCCEED Strategy Overview

business strategy Oct 19, 2024
Dr Calise SUCCEED Business Strategy presentation for small business owners

Welcome to the SUCEED Business Strategy. The most successful overall business strategy to help you maximize your business. 

Some of you might want to

  •  Start a multimillion $$ company
  •  Manage a billion dollar corporation
  •  Build a ministry
  •  Or even become the best manager in your department

Here’s the good news:

Whether you are going to be an entrepreneur, a corporate exec, or a local business manager; the SUCCEED strategy offers the most simplistic and effective path to grow your business.

Business is fun!

  •  It is fun to succeed
  •  Making money is fun
  •  Reaching your potential is fun
  •  And you know what else, helping others succeed is fun
  •  But you need a framework to guide your actions to make it happen

But it can also be complicated

Let me ask you a question....

How many of you have attended a business seminar:

    •  You walk in and there is great energy
    •  The music is blasting
    •  The speaker is amazing with great charisma
    •  By the end of the seminar the audience is pumped and ready to make some money
    •  You get back to the office and…..
      •  You realize you have no clue how to apply it to your business
      •  Let’s be honest, most of these business seminars or speakers do a fantastic job getting you all pumped up
      •  But most of them fail to give you a step by step action plan so you know exactly what tasks you need to take


There is a lot to Managing a Business

    •  List all of the different elements of business
      •  Accounting, supply chain, distribution, product development, engineering, advertising, finance, leadership, HR
      •  And I can go on and on and on
      •  If I asked you how to describe all of the different aspects of business in one seamless sequence… would you be able to do it?
      •  Of course not

So here is the challenge

    •  We need to find one business model that is easy to understand
    •  Connects all of the major business tools together in a seamless integration
    •  And provides step by step action plans for every business situation
    •  Simplistic enough to understand, but dynamic enough to incorporate the most powerful business models available
    •  And that is what we have done with the Succeed Strategy

This simplistic strategy solves all of this

    •  Get pumped and get excited
      •  After all succeeding is exciting
    •  And get ready for a step by step guide of exactly what actions to take and when to take them 
    •  It time to grow your business, succeed in your career, and help you fulfill your goals. 


The Strategy Explained

So here are the different parts of the Succeed Strategy, the most effective and simplistic strategy to help you start or grow your business.



Target Value


I want you to think of this…. Let’s say you need to buy a pair of jeans. Some of you just need a pair to throw on for every day’s use and you don’t want to spend more than $15-$20. Others of you may want a high fashion designer brand and are willing to pay $200. So why is it that some people will spend $20 dollars while others will spend $200?

 Think about it....... Let’s be honest, when you look at it practicality, it is basically the same product. So What are you buying? This is the most important word in business, which we often over look.


Wall St, Main St, Digital, Retail its all the same. The heart of business is providing value to a target audience at a profit. I do not care what type of business you are in, if you do not provide something that a target audience values, you will never be in business. But if you provide something that people will value, and you do so at a profit, you will always be in business. This applies to every industry

But here is the thing, different groups of people value different things. One was willing to pay $200 for the pair of jeans. But the other group…. Would not pay more than $20.

So what is value? Because it is obvious different people value different things.

  •  Value = What I Get - What I Give

If you spend $200 on a pair of jeans what are you getting? Yes you are getting jeans, but what are you really getting? You are getting style. You are getting a high fashion brand. You are paying $200 not for the functionality of the jeans, you are paying $200 for the image the brand of the jeans provides.

If you are the person who wants to spend $20 on a pair of jeans what are you getting? This person only cares about the functionality of the pair of jeans. For this person the name brand has no importance whatsoever. Therefore she has no desire to pay more than she has to.

The heart of the Succeed Strategy is:

      •  Who is your target audience
      •  And what do they value

 This is the most fundamental aspect of business, yet one of the things that are most overlooked

    •  If the Value formula is positive, in which your target audience believes what they are getting is greater than what they are giving, you will always be in business.
    •  If the Value formula is negative, in which your target believes what they are getting is not worth what they must give up for it, then your business might be in trouble. 
    •  The key - value must be in the eyes of the consumer, not the business. 

Consumer Research

Remember: Value is in the eyes of the consumer not you. We will often need to conduct consumer research and provide feedback loops to ensure the solutions we are creating are truly what the consumer needs. In future trainings, we will go over this step by step, so you will know exactly who your target market is, and what exactly it is that they value.

Matthew 10:31 describes a parable that illustrating how valuable each person is in the eyes of God, Fear not, therefore; you are of more valuable than many sparrows.” We need to treat our target with the same value, because without them we have no business. 


Solutions: How to create value for the target


Once we have identified our target, now we need to create value for them. So how do we do it? Most people will say by creating products. But.......

People do not buy products. 

This may sound strange to you but think about it.... 

    •  Do you go to the store and say, "Well, I have blue tooth paste, and a red tooth paste..... do you know what I really need.... a green toothpaste". 
      •  No, this is not how we shop. 
    •  Why do we by toothpaste? 
      •  To keep our teeth clean, to freshen our breath, to prevent gum disease. 
    •  So….. what are we really buying
      •  are we buying a product ………..or solutions?
    •  We do not buy products, we hire solutions to perform a particular job. 

When you focus on products you focus on the WHAT. When you focus on solutions you focus on the WHY.

 Many businesses focus on the product, but today’s successful businesses need to be consumer centric and focus on the target.

In the Solution stage, you plan how you will meet the needs of the target. By providing solutions your target is willing to buy, you are creating value. This is the value creation stage.

  •  This Solution stage includes
    •  Innovation
    •  Product offerings 
    •  Engineering

Exodus 35:35 He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and weavers—all of them skilled workers and designers.


Profit: Capture Value

This is the stage where we make the money. If we cannot make a profit we are not in business.

Business vs Hobby

 What is the difference between a business and a hobby? A business is when people are willing to pay for a solution for a profit, a hobby is when they are not. Businesses make you money, hobbies cost you money.

 This it the technical part of the strategy, and includes:

    •  Price
    •  Distribution 
    •  Supply Chain
    •  Finance
    •  Accounting
    •  Opperations Management
    •  Metric / Data Analysis

Psalm 128:2 

You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands; you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.


Message: Communicate Value

 We could have the greatest solution in the world. We could create the greatest value for our target, and do it in a way that generates tremendous value. But if no one knows you exist, how successful will you be? 

 In this stage we talk about how you can effectively communicate your story. 

  •  This includes
    •  Branding
    •  Advertising
    •  Promotions
    •  Social
    • PR
    •  Sales

Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.


People: Execute Value

Yes business is about creating solutions and making profits. But business is also about something very important. And that is people. It is exciting being a part of a profitable business, but it is also exciting knowing that because of you someone is making a livable wage, or it is because of your efforts your team is able to provide for their family. 

Business is about people, and we a never loose track of that. We need people to execute value every day. More importantly, teams that grow together are often the most effective. You can have the best plan in the world but do you have the right people who can actually execute the plan.

This stage includes

    •  Leadership
    •  Employees
    • HR
    •  Training
    •  Culture  


1 Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.

Philippians 2:3-4 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.


Action Plan


You can have the greatest strategy in the world, but if you do not have an action plan to execute the strategy, what good is it? Now in-between all of these stages is our strategy guiding our actions. Strategy is an interesting word in business that is often over complicated. Strategy is simply where are you now, where do you want to go, and how will you accomplish this. 

So how does this interact with the business model? Once you have identified your target plan and your solution plan, what exact actions will you take to fulfill this? Same with your Profit plan, how is it executed? This is why it is important to have an action plan in place to your strategy is carried out. 

James 2:14 says, “For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror.” How many times have you been in a meeting, the planning was great, but when it was over it was as if everyone was just starring at themself in the mirror because nothing got done. Planning is great, but we need to make sure we put this plan in action. 




And finally we have the outside force of Competition. You are not the only one trying to provide value to your target. There are other companies who are trying to provide an even great value for a bigger profit. How does this impact your decisions and growth of your business?

1 Corinthians 9:24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.

2 Timothy 2:5 An athlete is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.




And this my friends is the SUCCEED strategy. It does not matter what element of business you are in, what department you work for, or what your daily tasks are. Every element of business fits into this strategy in one way or another. 

The key is, when you focus on one level of the strategy, you always need to be mindful of how it impacts the other layers. We call this a connected company.  


Couple of things to remember

  •  This is a dynamic model, not stagnant
  •  You can start at any point
  •  It is iterative
  •  The important thing is when modifying one element, you need to be mindful how it impacts the others
  •  Harmony amongst pillars
    •  Often business managers will make a decision that impacts their pillar, but fail to see how it impacts the others 

Now in the upcoming videos we will be taking this strategy step by step, and in no tie you will be growing or starting your business and making ore money!


God’s Purpose in Your Plan

  •  Finally, I truly believe your career is a calling. 
  •  You were destined to do something great. 
  •  God created you to succeed, which is where the name of this strategy came. 
  •  As you are building out your business and career, as remember God’s purpose in your success, and I know you will accomplish great things!

2 Corinthians 9:10 

He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.